Tuesday, December 8, 2020


中醫來說,體質虛(宮寒)便会造成不容易怀孕,所以調理體質變得很重要,各个讨论区都有提到及推薦用烏骨雞(应该是我们马来西亚人说的黑鸡)調理體質,是因為烏骨雞不燥不熱,可以照顧每種體質的人而不會虛不受補, 有建议数打針前就開始喝,至於一天兩包,一天一包或是兩天一包都可以但毕竟滴鸡精不便宜,一小包可以要价RM20-RM30(但如果有promotion价钱会便宜些)
其实现在乌鸡并不是那么容易找到,好在我通常都可以在附近的巴杀买到,但是乌鸡是非常抢手的太迟就抢不到了,如果买不到我就会买kampung鸡但乌鸡肯定是首选,喝过你就知道不同。通常我会叫巴杀档口老板帮我砍4块及去皮。一只乌鸡是RM12, 可以滴100ml,八到九个小时炖100ml,很珍贵。

首先将买回来的乌鸡清洗干净,去掉多余的脂肪。乌鸡的脂肪比起kampung 鸡的少。接着可以用刀被把鸡敲打一下让鸡的精华更容易逼出。
用锡箔纸把炖盅封密,放入电锅。我用的是NOXXA 气压锅,选择slow cook, 我通常放8-9个小时。晚上放进去第二天就有热热的滴鸡精喝了。记得要隔渣及隔油。

大城堡夜市- 炒萝卜糕

很难找到好吃的炒萝卜糕, 这挡位于大城堡星期二夜市的炒萝卜糕是一为老伯在掌厨的。
这档炒萝卜糕是我在CMCO时发现的, 那时档口不多所以有人潮排队的档口特比显眼。
影像最深的一次就是有一次7pm++ 到时,老伯的萝卜糕刚好卖完,但看到我失望的样子老伯拿出一包他说炒剩的,给我不收钱。我坚决要给钱但他也坚持不收。最后我大声的说"谢谢谢谢uncle" 收下了。回到家开来吃后觉得,虽然分量比较少,但绝对可以吃得饱的一餐分量, 最难得的是味道不减。太感恩了。

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


这个部落格至今也差不多10 年了。在这10年最另人难忘的便是2020年
在今年除了被关禁足在家大家也突然了解了很多事,所有一直以来理所当然的事不再是我们的权益。一直以来认为好的工作,好同事都变了。大家只能自己顾自己。我有个朋友甚至告诉我她在疫情期间发现一直以来自己是那么的天真,傻。 哈哈。

一切都改变了, 同事之间的关系。人与人之间的关系都不再和从前一样;也许是时候来个人际关系断舍离。 要努力争取自己应得的,不要害怕得罪人;尤其是能力比自己底的人。为了取悦别人而让自己委屈是最不明智的。

2020 年,一个难忘的一年,一个让人突然成长的一年。

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Unplanned Staycation _ Hillton KL Sentral

这个周末有点不同, 我和大胃临时收到他哥哥邀请下榻到 KL Hilton 短住两天,一切准备好后我们便开车到 距离我家不过10公里的车程的Hilton KL 开始我们三天两夜的staycation, 虽然说是staycation 但由于临时才接到邀请所以我第二天还是要从Hilton 开车到Subang 工作, 但偶尔在一成不变的生活上有点小改变也算不错。

第一天到酒店已经是晚上8pm 左右。 也许是外国旅客较多的关系我们开车抵达时发现Hilton KL 的保安非常严紧,所有车辆进入酒店停车场前必须通过安全检查系统。酒店的停车位充足所以我们很快找到停车位。住客停车费是一天RM3, 住客可以在入口处柜台(concierge) 验证停车卡就可以了。

我们的酒店房属于行政双人房(King Executive Lake View), 房间设备精细,备有办工桌,熨衣设备,唤醒服务/闹钟,浴缸合等等。再加上与kl sentral 隔邻因此非常适合由外地到吉隆坡出差的人。

KL Hilton 的住客大多数是金发碧眼的外国人和日本人居多,出入都会看到好多老外和听到日语,让本来就住在距离不到10km的我们也有了度假的感觉:)

Hilton KL 拥有好几间餐馆提供不同的食物,早餐就是在底楼的VACOS。

酒店提供国际自助早餐,食物很豐富 中式西式日本,韩国,印度,馬來到沙拉吧,点心,到甜點(甜點竟然有烤麵包布丁!)飲料有果汁(可以自選水果),豆奶,咖啡等等。单单鸡蛋的做法也有6种!

我最爱的就是沙拉吧和Musli. 第一天要赶着上班所以就匆匆吃了早餐,第二天刚好是公共假期所以就呆在酒店慢慢享受早餐。



原本以为 我们是最早的了谁知道当我们到达8楼的健身房时已经有好多人在跑步和健身了。而我发现大多数都是西方人。


酒店的泳池也是从早上六点到晚上11点。 泳池有分几个不同的深度适合大人和小孩。泳池旁还设有一个温泉按摩浴缸。



Hillton KL 的地理位置非常好,隔邻就是KL sentral  火车,轻快铁, LRT, MRT, KLIA express 全部集中在一起所以交通是非常的方便。 晚餐除了可以在酒店解决以外还可以Nu Sentral 购物广场寻找其他的美食。 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Staycation @ Ibis Style Ipoh ( MÙ Hotel )

2 days 1 night business trip to Ipoh in last week and we choose Ibis Style Ipoh as our Staycation in this short trip. We choose Ibis Style is because of  the great location and easy access to Ipoh hawker foods and most important is this hotel is still very new it was established in 2013. Colorful, contemporary rooms, & a stylish rooftop bar with city view also is a strong attraction to us. Kimberly and I already planned earlier to have a relax night to spend there :)

In 1st April, the hotel officially changed name to MÙ Hotel.

The hotel lobby... while waiting for check in

Welcome Drink from hotel... good hospitality from hotel.

Gym is coming soon...

Everything was fine from our check in to the hotel, friendly staff and smiling face is anyway. But when we go in to the room the aircon is not functioning. I had called 3 times since 2pm but the maintenance only reach at 2.45pm, and found out that the aircon filter is cover by thick dust. The maintainace is very friendly and professional, he keep apologizing for his lateness and explains that they are recently occupying with the hotel upgrading. After the air-con problem fixed everything is just nice :)

The dust is sooo thick 😨😨😱

This is our room, watching 爱回家,relaxing...Room is small but everything in needs.

Small tea bar with coffee and tea and a small frezz.

Basically Ibis hotel is providing a very comfortable stay-cation to business trip traveler, good location and surrounded by the famous local food points with walking distance. The room price also reasonable which is below RM 200 per night included breakfast .

I will recommend some good food spot which near by the hotel in my next post, happy reading. :)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

My YOGA Journey 2016

I started searching YOGA instructor course in the midst of 2016, my intention to take the instructor course is just very simple for my retirement plan and also curios on how Yoga can make changes on my body. I had gone thru several website and call to few Yoga center but mostly not match my busy schedule as my full time job required me to on duty during weekend.  And  now I had completed my 5 days face to face workshop and in the mid of completing other requirement like YOGA classes, observation class, KARMA yoga and so on..
I decided to write this post for an intention to help others like me who are searching the YOGA instructor courser in Klang Valley and from now on I will also share my YOGA journey here.
I am so lucky when I get to search MAYI (Malaysia Association of Yoga Instructor), they have few branches in Klang Valley for choices.  I did some research on the MAYI and found their YOGA instructor course is approved by Ministry of Education Malaysia, you can click the link to know more about the IYIC http://www.mayi.org.my/yoga-courses/173-international-yoga-instructor-course

I started my first YOGA instructor workshop on 22nd October 2016, I was took up the semi intensive program which is every Sunday for 6 hours total 5 days. In this 5 days program we learn about basic Asana, Yoga philosophy, benefit of Asana, how to arranging the sequence of the class, how to give instruction, Surya Namaskar, relaxation script and so on.

                                                   We are in our Bhujangasana ( Cobra ) 

On the last day of this program, we are required to conduct a Yoga class in 1 hour, and our student on the day will evaluate our teaching, I had scored well in my evaluation, below is the comment from my student of the day, but this is not the end of the program but just a starting for the level 1. Still long Journey to go. 

From the first I join this IYIC L1 until now is already  4 months, I become more and more curious on my practice of the YOGA, I curious how far I can go in my yoga journey, how much flexibility that in myself which I don't know and how how strong of my hand my leg and how to overcome the fear in my mind. 

The next challenge of the YOGA level 1 is KARMA YOGA, I need to conduct few classes on the volunteer basic and here my fear come . I worry people will judging me in my class, I worry I am not good enough to conduct a class, I worry my student won't enjoy my classes... I know this all is my own perception and will stop me go far for the YOGA practice. But if I am not start my first step then I will forever stay in the same place.  I know I will overcome it but I need time and I need someone to push me on it. I will share with you all when I start conduct my first class :)       

I am not perfect in YOGA practice and I am not perfect in my life, but I allowed my self to become a better Yogis through the daily practice of the YOGA. 

Stay tune, I will share with you more and more story of my YOGA journey. 

Happy Valentines Day to all the yogis :)